Mommy Meltdown

Looks like I have had my first freak out (with many more to come I am sure). Last night at midnight my little sisters turned 21 and everyone was going up to Ameristar to celebrate. So I fed Logan at 11 and put him down and got ready; I was planning on going up there just for maybe an hour. Since he ate at 11 he most likely wouldn't be back up until around 2 am and I would be home by then. I was about 10 minutes from my house and I started freaking out. I started thinking of the worst possible scenarios and I had to get off the highway and head back home.

I think Dave was a little surprised when I showed back up about 20 minutes after I left. I have left him for a few hours in the day, but something about the night time just freaks me out still.

Other than that, things are still going great. He is starting to like his swing a little more which is good for me when he is fussy and I need to eat.

Catching bugs in his sleep:)

In the rocker with daddy...again (one of his favorite spots)

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