My bun has extremities!!!

We had our ultrasound this weekend and it was AMAZING!!! In two short weeks our little bun went from a blob to a little teddy bear!!! It's tiny little heart was beating away at 178 bpm. The u/s tech and the nurses are great and Dr S is just as I remember him, I am so glad that we decided to go with him. It definately felt more official after this visit. We were given the goody bag with all the pamphlets and prenatal samples....I think Dave was more excited about all of it than I was!!!

They gave me a REAL due date of June 18th. My next appointment is not until December the 3rd, I will be a day or two away from my second trimester. Quite honestly, I do not know if I can make it that long without seeing our little bun again. I am wondering if there is some type of ultrasound clinic for crazy, overanalyzing mother to be's??? Maybe I could just quietly sneak into the hospital and make myself at home in the ultrasound room....that is not a crime....right?!?! Where is Tom Cruise when I need him....maybe him and Katie could donate their ultrasound machine to me??? I will write his fan club today and ask!!!

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Unknown said...

CHELSEY's Birthday Great day!!!