Last Month...lucky number 9:)

I am 36 weeks today. One more week before I can be considered full term, however, I still think of 38 as the safe week...don't ask me why. I am starting to have this feeling that I am going to go over my due date. I know they say that it is more common for this to happen with your first pregnancy. I am feeling so great, I keep waiting for the aches and pains that everyone talks about, but nothing yet. I am thinking that once Mr Bun drops and is hanging out on my hips and pelvis that I might start getting the aches. I really honestly LOVE being pregnant!!! I have no complaints. Part of me is SOOO anxious to meet this little guy and part of me doesn't want to let go of this experience.

I went to the Dr Tues and everything looked GREAT. My fluid looks great and Mr Bun's heart rate and movement is great. There was no dilation or effacement, but that was pretty much expected.

Detailed 36 week poor organs:)

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